Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

278 - Degree in Fine Arts

25103 - Painting Techniques, Materials and Processes

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
25103 - Painting Techniques, Materials and Processes
Faculty / School:
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
278 - Degree in Fine Arts
First Four-month period
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:



The course has a practical nature. Thus, next to the exhibition set of content that make up a theoretical support and conceptual framework for reflection determined in each block contained a series of exercises they are proposed, with specific objectives, to perform in the classroom-workshop. The linkage between theory and practice do not always follows the same sequence. Sometimes the theory is absolutely necessary to carry out the exercises progress. However, in others it is given during or after practical experimentation, thus guiding the conclusions on the results.


Teaching-learning methodology:

- Theoretical and practical lessons:

Slides, computer presentations, videos, samples of materials and tests, and specific bibliography of each block to facilitate the assimilation by the student, support material will be used.

- Evaluation activities in class period:

Deliveries of practical and theoretical exercises derived from the contents of the thematic blocks (see Evaluation activities).

- Practical exercises:

In which students will develop pictorial procedures and its various applications described in the Learning activities planned: preparation of materials and development of complementary procedures necessary for the development of painting techniques that the student must perform during the semester. In relation to each block of content the student will carry out a series of exercises statements, directed and reviewed by the teacher, framed both in classroom activities or presential activities and non presential activities. Given the peculiarities of the subject, constantly monitoring the execution of each exercise it is necessary, so that attending the classes will be considered indispensable.

- Theoretical and practical work:

The student must dedicate a given time for the realization of a theoretical and practical work in due time whose characteristics are presented in class by the teacher.

- Study and extension of contents:

Consulting specific bibliography for each thematic block for the expansion of content. Also contemplated as necessary visits to exhibitions and museums. This time also be used in studying and assessment studies and trials.

- Evaluation Assessment activities during the evaluation period: end global test (see Evaluation activities).

- Tutorials:

The student, individually and by appointment, tutoring can treat any issues related to their training in the subject deems appropriate, within the set time for this purpose. This does not exclude the possibility that the teacher can promptly propose a specific tutoring based on student needs.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results includes the following activities...

It means learning activities to all those relating to the powers, which allow students to achieve the learning objectives. All content blocks, with their work during the course are divided into a theoretical and practical part, taught and performed in class (classroom activities, face activities) and outside it (using non presential activities), however both activities are structured in a complementary manner.

Classroom activities or face activities are considered all of those, both practical and theoretical, in which student participation in the classroom might be directed by the teacher which can develop the student in the classroom-workshop with the direct intervention of the teacher and usually suggested or ordered by it. Non-contact activities were considered all those, both practical and theoretical, which can are developed students outside the classroom-workshop with or without the direct intervention of the teacher, either on the students its own initiative, or suggested or ordered by the teacher it.

The learning activities are based, as already indicated, on two pillars: on the one hand First, both practical technical knowledge and theoretical materials, tools, methods and painting techniques that have been used throughout the history of painting; and, secondly, of those used or have been incorporated at present. Therefore, to achieve the stated objectives, it is necessary to establish an effective learning strategy to acquire skills and achieve the highest number of goals maximum through practical and theoretical exercises, the highest number of goals.

A part of these exercises are will be  performed in the actual classes (classroom activity or face activity), and others outside the classroom (non presential activity).






Students will practice in the classroom workshop where when applicable, under the supervision and tutelage of the teacher taught in the theoretical sessions contents. They basically consist of the development, production and materials management useful for the practice of painting, and its application, by performing samples of technical solutions on different media and resolution of basic exercises defined thematic or free interpretation.




Practical, theoretical and literature works.

5.3. Syllabus

Thematic blocks:


- Preliminary block: presentation of the subject.

- Block 1: Introduction to the techniques, materials and painting procedures.

- Block 2: Pigments and binders.

- Block 3: Tools, instrumental.

- Block 2: Supports and primers.

- Block 3: Water-thinned techniques.

- Block 4: Oil-thinned techniques.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works


One session per week (four hours per session, fifteen weeks).






- Presentation of the subject, space and resources.

- General introduction of the subject.

- Introduction to painting techniques, materials and procedures.

- Acquisition of material.

- Start of development of a notebook.


- Supports, sizes and grounds (1).

Supports: assembly stretcher bars and stretching canvas.

- Assembly and streching of the canvas.

- Painting practice. Free work (1st session).


- Supports, sizes and grounds (2).

Synthetic sizes and grounds (polymers).

- Preparation and applying on cardboard / paper, board and canvas (1st session).

- Painting practice. Free work (2nd session).


- Supports, sizes and grounds (3).

Organic sizes and grounds (animal glue).

- Preparation and applying on cardboard / paper, board and canvas (2nd session).

- Delivery of work weeks 1, 2 and 3.


- Pigments, dyes and binders (1).

- Water-thinned techniques: acrylic and vinyl (polymers) synthetic paints (1).

- Preparation and applying on cardboard / paper, board and canvas (3rd session).

- Preparation of painting samples (1st session).


- Pigments, dyes and binders (2).

- Water-thinned techniques:

acrylic and vinyl (polymers) synthetic paints (2).

- Preparation of painting samples (2nd session).

- Practice painting determined or free interpretation (1st session). 


- Pigments, dyes and binders (3).

- Water-thinned techniques:

Acrylic and vinyl (polymers) synthetic paints (3).

- Practice painting determined or free interpretation (2nd session). 


- Water-thinned techniques:

acrylic and vinyl (polymers) synthetic paints (4).

- Practice painting determined or free interpretation (3rd session).

- Delivery of work weeks 4,5, 6 and 7.

- Delivery of no presential work.

- Acquisition of material for tempera painting .


- Water-thinned techniques: emulsion paints (egg tempera).

- Preparation of painting samples.

- Practice painting determined or free interpretation.


- Water-thinned techniques: emulsion paints (casein tempera).

- Preparation of painting samples.

- Practice painting determined or free interpretation.


- Oil-thinned techniques: oil painting; binders, thinners and varnishes (1).

- Preparation of painting samples.



- Oil-thinned techniques: oil painting; binders, thinners and varnishes (2).

- Practice painting determined or free interpretation.

- Delivery of work weeks 8, 9, 10, and 11.


- Oil-thinned techniques: wax painting; binders and thinners (1).

- Preparation of painting samples.


- Oil-thinned techniques: wax painting; binders and thinners (2).

- Practice painting determined or free interpretation.

- Delivery of work weeks 12, 13 and 14.

- Delivery of the rest no presential works.


- Review of works.

- sharing session.

- Sharing session of work.